Born in Palau Ferran Esparreguera Matas (Barcelona) graphic art studies at the School JOSO of Barcelona. Painting, collage, installations and other artistic forms in Barcelona, ??Terrassa, Igualada, Esparreguera, Collbató. Collaborations in art magazine ROJO. Illustrator and writer DANIEL 03 (18 PAG.) TOBY AND THE WARDROBE INFINITY 03 (8 PAG), 04 BUTTERFLY (18 PAG), ONE LIFE, MY LIFE 04 (9 PAG) AND DOMINIQUE 05 (19 PAG) M physical. ANMIC founder of the band. Discography: Music Therapy 2004, ICE CREAM VAN 2004, NIU-NUVOLA 2005, Insect-PER MELODIES 2005.